Solo Business Retreats

I have always loved going to retreats, conferences, and conventions.  There are many reasons that I enjoy them. I love catching up with colleagues, picking up new tips and tricks,  eating out, and doing a bit of shopping.  Now that I am retired and working from home conferences are a rarity because I don’t have a boss to reimburse me for them.  So I was quite intrigued when I read this article from
Bloom Hustle Grow on doing solo retreats.  You can read the article here.

What is a solo business retreat?

It is stepping away from your normal business routine disconnecting from social media, the phone, family, and focusing on your business without distraction.

It does not have to be out of town or even overnight.  It can be whatever you want it to be.  Getting creative with ideas and planning can be very enjoyable.  Each of our lives is different and you have to consider what works for you and your situation.  Being retired, widowed, and having grown children my biggest consideration is money so I will do at home solo retreats.

Why do them?

We all need to clear our heads…..make plans….refresh ourselves….and disconnect!

What I plan to do!

My home solo retreats will involve totally getting away from the house for the day.  When I leave the house in the morning I won’t come home until after dinner or time for bed.  I will do this whether it is a day trip or even a planned 2-day retreat from home.

I will have a structured agenda much like a conference:

(sample so you will get the idea)
8:30 Breakfast
9:00-10:30 Marketing Strategies Review
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Marketing Strategies New Plans
12:00-1:30 Lunch and Shopping (window shopping is good on the budget)
1:30-3:00 Workflow and Systems 
3:00-3:30 take a walk
3:30-5:00 Efficiency Plans: work to farm out
5:00-8:00 Dinner & Drinks or a Movie
8:00 home
Having an agenda will keep you focused and help you achieve the things you have planned.

Where I plan to do it!

Although I can’t afford to go out of town, there are things here (and where you live) that we can take advantage of.
Local hotels: we have one very nice hotel here that is a luxury hotel and while I can’t stay there, I can have lunch or dinner there and work from their business center or lobby for a brief period of time 😉
I’m thinking I might even schedule a massage from their day spa as part of one of my solo retreats!
Library: you don’t have to spend any money. You can go in for a day at your local library and still keep the agenda I mentioned above! Try a new restaurant for lunch or dinner.
Coffee Shops: Every town has a coffee shop or more than one.  I live in a college town so we have several. I especially love the quaint out of the way shops that aren’t chains!  They all serve pastries and/or sandwiches.  You can breakfast and lunch right there if you choose.
Lakes/state parks: I also live near lakes and state parks. I can easily pack a lunch and enjoy a day out in nature while working and clear my head. These would be great to do once each season!  I live near 3 ski resorts so I could also go in the winter! I don’t ski but I can eat soup at quaint little restaurants and enjoy the change of pace!!


1. Decide on a time and place.
2. Make a realistic list of work to accomplish – keep your focus on one area
3. Create a schedule
4. Pack what you will need
5. Let others know you will be unavailable for the day: turn on out of office notifications; set your phone to do not disturb!
If you can get away for a 2 or 3 day retreat out of town all the better!
You’ll be amazed how good you will feel even after just a day out of the office!

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