It’s May and school-wide academic testing is over in most states but unfortunately, many students mentally quit when testing is over, too!
How will we ever make it through this last month or 6 weeks of school?
How will we keep them engaged and excited for the remainder of the year?
These are the questions I hope to give you answers to on this post today.
We don’t blame kids for being burnt out this time of year because we understand how they feel. We are tired too. We are excited about the warmer weather and want to get outdoors after being cooped up all winter. (And this year winter weather even extended way too far into spring!)
So how are we going to get through the upcoming weeks? We are going to continue to work on our goals but change it up a bit.
Your Therapy Plan
A.) My first suggestion is to use stimulus materials (picture cards, task cards, etc.) paired with an open-ended game.
Give each student their target materials and choose a game for the day. You can use that one game all day long because each student will have specific material that targets his goal! You can use this therapy plan for weeks on end because the games change daily. It’s always fresh and new to them. You can also vary their stimulus materials.
I have a variety of stimulus materials and open-ended games in my store:
(articulation suggestions)
Articulation Cards
Phrase Cards for Articulation
Articulation Carryover Structured Sentences
(language suggestions)
Inferencing and Articulation Bundle
Noun Plural Flash Cards
Verb Flash Cards
Noun Derivations
(open-ended games)
Gold Rush
Flowers and Bees
Who Has More Flip Flops
B.) My second suggestion is to use apps and activities that are digital and do not require printing or creating them like these:
Hidden Pictures
Spot it Dot it
Search and Find (Artic)
Search and Find (Categories)
If you’d like to sample these click one these:
Search and Find Categories SAMPLE
Search and Find F Sound Freebie
Hidden Pictures K Sound Freebie
If you don’t know how to use a PDF as a NO PRINT interactive digital product on a device (computer or iPad), then read this blog post HERE!
There are many things you can do just think about how you could do it in a FUN and engaging way! If you need more suggestions for other targets besides basic artic and language, I can get them for you. I know people!
Make your days and theirs FUN!