ManySLPs have varied caseloads and we see our students in small groups. Most don’t have the luxury of grouping by the disorder. We have to group by class, grade, or teacher and on their schedule. That creates the necessity to have mixed groups and requires us to tailor our treatment to encompass several skills at once. That is why I created Inferring and Articulation: R and R Blends. Actually, that is just one of the reasons and I’ll explain the others as we go along here.
Although, I only have the one inferring and articulation product available at the moment the others are in the works and will be available very soon. In fact, I can share that the next up will be for TH and SH, then S and S blends, L and L blends, and K-G to round it out.
Inferring, drawing conclusions, and deductive reasoning are all targets you can touch upon while doing this activity. You will print the worksheet(s) you wish to do for the day and then select the corresponding stickers that will answer the what/who am I question. You student will read if they are capable, or you will read the clues and they will respond by placing the appropriate sticker in the circle. As a receptive task they just place the appropriate sticker. It becomes an expressive task when they verbalize the answer either spontaneously or on demand.
I designed this activity so that you can just print and not have to prep anything. You will print the worksheet on regular paper and the picture words on Avery 1″ round labels, thus creating stickers! Cool, huh?
If you don’t want to spend the money on labels, no problem as the picture words can be printed on regular paper and used as a cut and paste activity! I selected the 1-inch size so you could use your 1-inch hole punch. Then just give the kids a glue stick and you have the same activity.
Don’t have a 1-inch hole punch, no worries you can just cut the picture words out in squares with regular scissors. In fact, you can let the kids do this as part of the activity. The images will fit on the worksheet.
I want to also share that this prints well in black and white so you don’t NEED color to use this packet.
It is so easy to expand on this activity by asking your students, “What else could that be? Why would it not be a _____?” This will encourage them to state supporting details and facts. All of this is done in a natural context. You are encouraging thinking and reasoning.
When the page is completed have them name the pictures X number of times or use the words in phrases or sentences, if your focus is on the spontaneous productions.
Although this can be done without purchasing my product, I think it makes an excellent homework sheet for carryover at home or for documentation of your work with the students in your session. My school system required tangible proof of the student’s work in therapy.
I hope this has given you some ideas on how to target inferring and articulation in one session.
You can get your copy of this resource in my TpT store here!